Our Vision

Our Vision

Our mission is growing disciples in Jesus by making families strong and people whole.

Who We Are

SonRise is a community of people who love God.  While we are far from perfect, we strive to live for God each day.  Our community is made up of people from all different walks of life.  Some of us have been journeying with God for many years and some are just beginning. Our beliefs and teachings are based on the Bible and we are led by a group of elders.  SonRise is a safe and welcoming place to encounter God and discover His plan for your life.


To make families strong and people whole.


That all people have a loving and growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Core Values

Core values are the “heart and soul” of an organization or church. Aubrey Malphurs defined core values as “the constant, passionate, biblical core beliefs that drive the ministry.” While strategy answers the question “What will we do,” core values address “Why we do what we do?” Lyle Schaller, a Christian writer and expert in church growth, said, “The most important single element of any corporate, congregational, or denominational culture, however, is the value system.” Listed below are twelve core values that are either actual or aspirational. While some of these values are not yet realized in our church, they are all key values that certainly should drive the ministry of SonRise.

Guiding Principles

  1. …God as the giver and sustainer of life who is worthy of our worship and complete devotion.
  2. …the Bible as our source for truth and our guide for life.
  3. …true Christian fellowship and acknowledge we best reflect God’s image in community with other believers.
  4. …people and pledge to demonstrate the love and grace of God in all our relationships.
  5. …the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will always demonstrate that lost people matter to God by striving to lead them to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
  6. …cultural relevance while holding to doctrinal purity.
  7. …small groups as the best means through which life change can happen in the life of a believer.
  8. …God’s call on the life of Christians to serve and realize that every member is a minister.
  9. …shared leadership as God’s method of leading His church to ministry effectiveness.
  10. …prayer not only as a ministry or an event but as the life we live as the people of God.
  11. …family as the most sacred institute of mankind set apart to fulfill the purposes of God.
  12. …holiness as God’s call to purity and obedience in the life of every believer.